Summer - El Nino

June 21, the official shortest day of the year, is also declared the first day of Summer. Summer started off semi-hot in the South and we knew warmer weather was coming. It always does, but by the end of June in some parts of the US, the temps soared. Last week for several days in a row, we experienced heat index temps from 110-118. The weather station and other weather experts called this a potential El Nino. What?

El Nino is Spanish for the boy. As a weather term, it means highly likely hotter than normal temperatures. How do they know this? I am not smart enough to explain all that is involved but here is a video link that made sense to me. Check it out.

Super El Nino 2023

Outdoor plants:

Take care of your plants this summer. I strongly suggest you move plants inside that cannot tolerate the extreme heat. We tend to overwater them when it is hot and this can cause them to scorch. If you can’t move them inside, move them to a shaded spot. The heat not only can burn the tops of your plants but also the root system. If there is a way to insulate them from the heat, place them in light-colored containers (taking them out of the black plastic pots).

Indoor plants:

Move your plants out of the direct sunlight if possible or pull a shade and allow some light through. Even though plants are inside direct sunlight with extreme outdoor temps can damage the top of plants and roots. For a little more info read this:

Too Hot To Handle

It is too hot for you to go outside and your plants feel the same way!  Unless you have access to water, no one should go out in this extreme heart. But we can’t hibernate all summer, so what is the alternative? What is the next best thing if you don’t have a swimming pool? A neighbor with one! As I gaze out of this large picture window overlooking a lagoon, I think I will join those cooling off in the water.

Happy Summer and Happy 4th of July!

Remember, the Heart of the Matter is the Matter of the Heart!

Dr. Michele



Global Gardens


Roses are red…